Electronic Books

Total Books: 21 - 31 /31
Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture 3rd Edition

our knowledge of plant development, genetics physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology has expanded exponentially – ...

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Plant and Human Health, Volume 3 : Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses / Munir Ozturk, Khalid Rehman Hakeem

Early anthropological evidence for plant use as medicine is 60,000 years old as reported from the Neanderthal grave in Iraq. ...

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Protocols for Pre-Field Screening of Mutants for Salt Tolerance in Rice, Wheat and Barley

This book offers effective, low-cost and user-friendly protocols for the pre-field selection of salt-tolerant mutants in ...

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Rice Functional Genomics

In this book, various chapters describe the tools and resources being developed worldwide such as expressed sequence tags ...

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Structural Approaches to Sequence Evolution

Recent advances in understanding the thermodynamics of macromolecules, the topological properties of gene networks, the organization ...

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Tomato yellow leaf curl virus disease

This book will awaken the interest of breeders, phytopathologists, environmentalists, extension services, plant virologists, ...

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Transgenesis and the Management of Vector-Borne Disease

Parasitic, bacterial and viral agents continue to challenge the welfare of humans, livestock, wild life and plants worldwide. ...

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Transgenic Crops IV

Genetic engineering is a powerful tool for crop improvement. Crop biotechnology before 2001 was reviewed in Transgenic Crops ...

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Transgenic Crops V

Genetic engineering is a powerful tool for crop improvement. The status of crop biotechnology before 2001 was reviewed in ...

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Transgenic Crops VI

Genetic engineering is a powerful tool for crop improvement. The status of crop biotechnology before 2001 was reviewed in ...

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Tree Transgenesis

A continuous development in plant biotechnology including gene technology has been observable during the past 20 years. Different ...

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Total Books: 21 - 31 /31